Setting Initial State in Lexical Text Editor

What is Lexical?

TL;DR: Do you want to build something like Notion’s text editor? Then Lexical is probably the tool for you.

Lexical is a powerful, extensible text editor framework developed by Facebook (now Meta). It’s designed to be flexible, performant, and accessible, making it an excellent choice for a wide range of applications. Lexical can be used to build simple text inputs, complex document editors, or even collaborative editing systems.

Setting the initial state

I found out that the best way to learn about Lexical is to analyze the types of the component. For the initial config for example we have:

export type InitialEditorStateType =
  | null
  | string
  | EditorState
  | ((editor: LexicalEditor) => void);

export type InitialConfigType = Readonly<{
  editor__DEPRECATED?: LexicalEditor | null;
  namespace: string;
  nodes?: ReadonlyArray<Klass<LexicalNode> | LexicalNodeReplacement>;
  onError: (error: Error, editor: LexicalEditor) => void;
  editable?: boolean;
  theme?: EditorThemeClasses;
  editorState?: InitialEditorStateType;
  html?: HTMLConfig;

Do you see that editorState with the InitialEditorStateType type? That’s the place where we can set the initial state of the editor.

As you can see, it can be a string, EditorState, null, or a function that returns a void.

Note that string is not a simple string! It’s a JSON stringified EditorState. Behind the scenes it calls JSON.parse(editor.setEditorState).

In my case I’m building a WhatsApp template builder with Lexical, and users can choose from a list of pre-built templates.

So basically:

  1. I have an array of objects where each object has a bodyContent property.
  2. I want to set the initial state of the editor to the bodyContent of the selected template.
  3. When users click on a template I use query parameters to set the template id.
  4. I can then use the useSearchParams hook from Remix to get the template id and set the initial state of the editor.
  5. My bodyContent is something like this:
In {{1}}, our birthday unfolds,\n\n
A thank you for trust you hold.\n\n
A special surprise awaits,\n\n
Just for you, behind these gates.\n\n
Click below, see deals so rare,\n\n
But hurry, time won't spare.\n\n
Limited offers tick away,\n\n
Seize this gift without delay.
  1. And I created this function to convert the bodyContent to an EditorState (i.e a function that imperatively populates editor):
export function createInitialConfig(
  template?: string | null
): InitialConfigType {
  const baseConfig: Omit<InitialConfigType, "editorState"> = {
    namespace: "whatsapp-template-editor",
    theme: whatsappTemplateEditorTheme,
    onError(error: any) {
      throw error;
    nodes: [],
    editable: true,

  if (template) {
    return {
      editorState: () => {
        const root = $getRoot();
        if (root.getFirstChild() === null) {
          const paragraph = $createParagraphNode();

          const parts = template.split(/(\{\{.*?\}\}|\*.*?\*)/);

          parts.forEach((part) => {
            if (part.startsWith("{{") && part.endsWith("}}")) {
              // Placeholder, create as code
              paragraph.append(createFormattedText(part, ["code"]));
            } else if (part.startsWith("*") && part.endsWith("*")) {
              // Bold text
                createFormattedText(part.slice(1, -1), ["bold"])
            } else {
              // Regular text

  } else {
    return baseConfig;

function createFormattedText(
  text: string,
  formats: TextFormatType[] = []
): LexicalNode {
  let node = $createTextNode(text);
  formats.forEach((format) => {
    node = node.toggleFormat(format);
  return node;

And this is how I set up my initial state:

<LexicalComposer initialConfig={createInitialConfig(initialValue)}>

What to avoid when using Lexical:

  • Avoid touching the EditorState directly, even when it’s serialized as a JSON.

Additional Resources & References